Category Archives: Tell A Secret


Ever had a secret that you wanted to share about someone or yourself? A secret that you swore not to tell. A secret that eats at you day after day after day? Wouldn’t it be great to get that secret off of your chest?

Well now you can! is looking for a few good secrets to be revealed. Remain completely anonymous as you spill the beans. The secret can be about anything. Maybe it’s about a cheating spouse, maybe you know who stole someone’s money or belongings. Whatever the secret may be, this is your time to vent.

All stories submitted will be posted online. Please do not use any last names when telling these secrets. We can also contact the person or persons involved in any tangled web that may have been woven. To have us contact any party regarding your secret, you must provide their email address or Social Network Name.

It’s time to clear the air once and for all! Let your voice be heard. Don’t go one more day with that little secret eating at you, it’s not healthy.

Send Your Stories, Pictures and Videos HERE